kool aid man
JoinedTopics Started by kool aid man
responding to the Reasoning book on birthdays?
by BlackSwan of Memphis ini am helping someone out with a response to a jw about birthdays.
she wants to be able to have a comeback to his programmed response.
i am looking at the reasoning book section on birthdays.
How much is the Watchtower worth?
by dido inhi, am relatively new on here, so haven`t seen any postings about how much the society is worth, but would really be interested to know.
what i can`t understand is what they are doing stockpiling money, when they could give some to the poor bro`s in africa etc.
give to poor pioneers, and hard up ones in congregations.
A wake up call to those spiritually asleep.
by The Scotsman ini say live and let live.
we all need to make our own decisons in life but ---------
this site is full of moaners!!!
I got the call today, only one problem
by SickofLies inwell i just got home and i have a message on my machine saying that there will be a meeting tomorrow at the kingdom hall at 8:30pm for my appeal.
however, they said on the recording that i will be responsible for getting my own ride there.
there in lies the problem as i don't have a car right now.
This Year The Push Is REALLY On To Invite EVERYONE To The Memorial!
by minimus inthe word's out to invite anyone and everyone-----as this could be the last celebration (per my mother as she heard it at the hall).
Kingdom Hall demonstration Memorial night
by kool aid man infor the second year in a row we will be holding a "demonstrative gesture" (demonstration) in front of the kingdom hall in an eastern mass.
this will take place on wednesday, april 12,2006, the jehovah's witnesses memorial night.
Well, It all hit the fan!
by onesong inlast week i sent an e-mail of a compilation of of traits of a cult (i posted it here mon.
or so) to every jw i had an address for.
i knew it would come and sure enough it did!
Help me drink Jesus blood
by GodisRight ini don't know how to celebrated the memorial because i was tricked by jehovah witness.. what am i suppose to eat and drink?
is there a special kind of bread and bevarge that is need.. another question i have is what is leaven bread and what is unleaven bread?.
oh yeah, what is the date of the memorial?.
You've rented a billboard in front of a KH. What would you put on it?
by whyizit inif you could rent a bill board where you knew jehovah's witnesses would see it, what would you put on it to try to effectively reach them?
and don't forget that lots of other people would see it to.
maybe the regular joe would be able to develope some good questions from your ad too.
What was the biggest scandal that went down in your cong?
by jambon1 inas it says on the tin - thoughts please?..........